I've decided to participate in COLLAGE MANIA FOR THE CURE 2009 Marking 25 years of lumps and bumps After months of planning, I found myself with less than a week The individual pieces were completed as the sun rose over CT this morning Below are the notes and images I shared along the
way I HAVE A WEEK TO FINISH THIS PROJECT These pieces will soon
become the 10 tiles I am creating As a child, I learned that in hebrew CHALOM means dream and CHALON means window This CHALOMN is 10 vertical tiles The base image HASHEMESH YORADE VOLEH ~ the sun sets and rises was painted with handmade and commercial paper recycled tissue from very special gifts holographic bits and threads from around the world As a 25 year breast cancer survivor and a two and a half year breast cancer survivor ... with a few bumps along the way ... It is my time to create a pink road of art ... The Bare Bones are almost complete and the prayer packets are being built The
individual tiles
This is the completed base with some flesh on the bones While each of the pieces has great significance to me This one marks the evolution of a 25 year friendship And this one remembers Each tile includes a prayer packet sealed by a glass butterfly Lily Hoy introduced me to prayer packets Maria Moquin of Beaded Designs supplied the butterflies and many more baubles and beads Each tile is a tribute to those who fought and those who continue the fight: COLLAGE MANIA FOR THE CURE is an on-line fund raiser/sale created by Virginia Spiegel All proceeds go directly to the American Cancer Society through Fiberart For A Cause. Visit the COLLAGE MANIA SITE You can see the participating artists, links to their websites and ultimately the 8x10 pieces they are offering You will be able to see the tiles I am offering and the work of many other fabric artists, collage makers painters and photographers ... Enjoy and buy if you want
Preview Week ~ April 29 until Collage Mania opens Collage Mania opens May 5, 2009 at 9am CST On Gold Donor Day ~ Tuesday, May 5 , 2009 All collages are available for a minimum $80 donation During the rest of Collage Mania ~ May 6 thru 7, 2009 All collages are available for a minimum $40 donation Read about Collage Mania 2008 in the May/June issue of CLOTH PAPER SCISSORS See the COLLAGE MANIA FOR THE CURE FLYER